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Tropa Macaca – Animais Sintéticos – EP (Clear)


Tropa Macaca – Animais Sintéticos – EP (Clear)


Tropa Macaca

The new record by Tropa Macaca brings together two pieces, “Animais Sintéticos” and “Aerossol”, which were previously presented in an exhibition context, at gnration in Braga and at PADA in Barreiro, in the years 2022 and 2020, respectively.

Both exhibitions, which took the title of the pieces, presented themselves as immersive installations that allied music to Joana da Conceição’s paintings and videos. These two exhibitions are different pacts between the audible and the visible, and of both with the world.



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The new record by Tropa Macaca brings together two pieces, “Animais Sintéticos” and “Aerossol”, which were previously presented in an exhibition context, at gnration in Braga and at PADA in Barreiro, in the years 2022 and 2020, respectively.

Both exhibitions, which took the title of the pieces, presented themselves as immersive installations that allied music to Joana da Conceição’s paintings and videos. These two exhibitions are different pacts between the audible and the visible, and of both with the world.

Tropa Macaca

Additional information

Weight 350 g
Dimensions 32 × 0.3 × 32 cm



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Listen Here: Tropa Macaca - Animais Sintéticos