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José Alberto Gomes – Música Para Teatro 2009-2022 – LP


José Alberto Gomes – Música Para Teatro 2009-2022 – LP


Wasser Bassin‘s brand new release was born out of an occasional coffee conversation, where José, if memory serves me correctly, lamented the lack of editorial direction for numerous tracks he had composed, whether for dance companies, or for theater plays. Being well aware that waste is the fuel of misery, I challenged him, at the time, to prepare an anthology with the best moments from this wealth of sounds.

Long months later, here comes this Música Para Teatro 2009-2022 (Music For Theatre 2009-2022), or, better said, a road of discontinuous lines, where the contemporaneity of tracks like “Ciúme”, are followed by the abstractions of “Quarto Poder”, the meditative sounds of ” Laudes”, or even the glitchy and intrusive “Needle”. In other words, this compendium may sound somewhat scattered or paradoxical, however, the same mind does not necessarily have to think the same things all the time.


WB 018 – José Alberto Gomes – Música Para Teatro 2009-2022 – LP

Release Date: 29/09/2024

Encomendem Já! / Pre-Order Now!


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José Alberto Gomes – Música Para Teatro 2009-2022


Wasser Bassin‘s brand new release was born out of an occasional coffee conversation, where José, if memory serves me correctly, lamented the lack of editorial direction for numerous tracks he had composed, whether for dance companies, or for theater plays. Being well aware that waste is the fuel of misery, I challenged him, at the time, to prepare an anthology with the best moments from this wealth of sounds.

Long months later, here comes this Música Para Teatro 2009-2022 (Music For Theatre 2009-2022), or, better said, a road of discontinuous lines, where the contemporaneity of tracks like “Ciúme”, are followed by the abstractions of “Quarto Poder”, the meditative sounds of ” Laudes”, or even the glitchy and intrusive “Needle”. In other words, this compendium may sound somewhat scattered or paradoxical, however, the same mind does not necessarily have to think the same things all the time.


PT –

A nova edição da Wasser Bassin nasceu duma ocasional conversa de café, onde – se a memória não me atraiçoa -, o José lamentou da falta de rumo editorial de inúmeros temas que havia composto, quer para companhias de dança, quer para peças de teatro. Estando eu consciente que o desperdício é o combustível predilecto da penúria, lancei-lhe, na altura, o repto de preparar uma antologia com os melhores momentos desse manancial de sons.

Longos meses depois, eis que surge este Música Para Teatro 2009-2022; ou, noutras palavras, uma estrada de traços descontínuos, onde à contemporaneidade de faixas como “Ciúme”, sucedem as abstracções de “Quarto Poder”, os ambientes meditativos de “Laudes”, ou ainda o glitch de “Needle”. Dito assim, este compêndio poderá soar a algo um tanto ou quanto disperso ou paradoxal, todavia a mesma mente não tem forçosamente de pensar as mesmas coisas.

Boas escutas!

WB 018 – José Alberto Gomes – Música Para Teatro 2009-2022 – LP

A1 – José Alberto Gomes – Ciúme (Excerto)

A2 – José Alberto Gomes – Quarto Poder

A3 – José Alberto Gomes – Bach In Space (Prelude In C Major, BWV 846)

A4 – José Alberto Gomes – 10mus

B1 – José Alberto Gomes – Traição

B2 – José Alberto Gomes – Matinas

B3 – José Alberto Gomes – Laudes

B4 – José Alberto Gomes – Needle

Release Date: 29/09/2024

Encomendem Já! / Pre-Order Now!

Wasser Bassin



Additional information

Weight 350 g
Dimensions 33 × 0.3 × 33 cm



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Listen Here: WB 018 - José Alberto Gomes - Música Para Teatro 2009-2022